Saturday 24 July 2021 08:00 - 25 July 2021 18:00 Pirin National Park
Night ascent of Vihren peak, coupled with the sunrise from the top! A two-day trek in Pirin for lovers of unconventional adventure and magic!
Day 1
Vihren is too glamorous and some of you have climbed it more than once. But how about a moonlit adventure? This may sound crazy, but actually it is far from it. Above all, we have chosen full moon, to get the feel of a sky full of stars and even be able to walk with no headlamps on. Night-time hiking is much easier than the daytime trek. And the reward - the sunrise from the top - is priceless! :) We start on Saturday morning from Sofia and reach the Vihren lodge in about 3h. We then have a walk nearby. Our Saturday hike will continue for about 5 hours and will offer beautiful lakes and breath-taking views. We go to bed earlier to get up at 1:30 a.m., i.e. after 4 or 5 hours of a night's sleep.
Day 2
While it is somewhat unpleasant to get up at 1:30 a.m., it is totally worth the efforts! We are at the starting line at 2 a.m. We take the standard trail to Kazanite. In about 1.5 h we reach a shelter and have a rest. In another hour we are at Premkata (the Saddle). Our hike is a delight for the soul and the senses - mysticism sprinkled with billions of stars and moonlight! In about an hour, we are already atop, holding our breath for the sunrise. When the sun makes its first peek above the horizon, we have tears in our eyes. The rest is clear - we descend to the lodge and at around 9:00 in the morning we have breakfast and coffee after the most extraordinary night of our lives! We go to a swimming pool and have a rest in bliss. We have a lunch at a pub and late in the afternoon we arrive in Sofia.
Click on any of the pictures to open the Gallery.
Price per person if the group is of 8 people or more - BGN105.
Group under 7 people - BGN120.
Price covers:
- Transport from Sofia to Sofia
- Licensed mountain guide
- Mountain insuranse
- Accommodation at Vihren lodge
Price doesn't cover:
- Food on the way and in the lodge
Reservation for participation and payment:
- To join the excursion, please fill in the Reservation Form, which you can find in the Main Menu. We will do our best to respond you at our earliest convenience!
- You can pay in cash or remit a bank transfer and we will issue to you a cash receipt or respectively an invoice according to VAT Law (art. 113 and art. 114)!
- In case of sudden change of the meteo conditions or other unforeseen situations, the guide may stop the group from the planned trek and to change the direction depending on the conditions. He proposes another trek, agreed with the tourists!
- In the case of dense fog or slippery terrain the guide may change the trek to ensure the health of the tourists!
- The treks are forbidden for tourists with heart diseases, problems with the legs and other dangerous contions for the mountains!
- If the group is more than 10 tourists there is a second guide, which doesn't change the price!
- mountain shoes
- backpacks (women: 30-40l; men: 50-70l)
- thermo underwear
- jacket
- trekking poles
- sticks
- slippers for the hotels
- socks
- sweater, fleece
- windstopper
- headlamp (with extra batteries)
- termus
- tourist knife
- sun glasses with UV protection
- sun-protected cream
- food
- bathing clothes
- others - personal stuff, the camera is not a bad idea :)
- personal documents - ID card
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