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Alextrek - discover yourself!

Be the change you want to see in the world!"

Alextrek Ltd is a young company, consisting of professionals with more than 25 years of mountain experience. We are certified mountain guides who adore travels and adventures in the Nature! The only aim we pursue is to arouse exciting emotions in people’s lives and challenge them for real sensation and values, vanished from the cities a long time ago!


Delyana Hadjiivanova
Delyana Hadjiivanova
Професионален планински водач, курс 2011 при АПХ. Преди това любител планинар, скиор и пътешественик. Владее руски и английски език. Има солиден опит в българските планини, както и изкачвания в Алпите (Юлийските Алпи, в Австрия и масива Монте Роза в Италия). Обиколила е планините на повечето съседни страни като Македония, Черна гора и Гърция. Страстен пътешественик, като съчетава културата с природата на дадена страна. След цивилизоваността и реда на европейските страни се насочва към екзотиката на другите континенти. Покрай пътешествията си е достигала до първенците на Турция, Мароко, Етиопия, Австралия и Иран. Обича да общува с хора от различни етноси, религии и цвят на кожата. Последната година се запалва и по гмуркането и красотата на подводният свят.


Ralitsa Dutsova
Ralitsa Dutsova
Професионален и много емоционален планински водач. Роли, както я наричат нейните приятели, е щур приключенец и смелчага, с голямо любопитство и любов към природата. Тя успява да съвмести в себе си толкова много хобита, да бъде едновременно на най-различни места, че разговорите и разходките с нея са изпълнени с весели истории и приятни случки. Като човек, който през седмицата се занимава със скучните информационни технологии, Роли използва пълноценно всяка минута от уикенда и бърза да релаксира и повесели в планината. Знае чудесно и Ганкиното и Дайчовото хоро, и правата и кривата стъпка и винаги първа се хваща на хорото. Има волята да изкачи най-високите върхове и да преплува океани. Обича да чете и има склонност към томсойерски и хъкълберифински приключения. Годините, прекарани като детски аниматор, са изградили в нея чувство за отговорност, но са запазили и симпатичната, по детски наивна, радост към природата и живота!


Kiril Dobrev
Kiril Dobrev
A professional mountain guide. Give him a supporting point (in fact he can find it by himself) and he will lift the Mountain! His genius and rational way of thinking can rescue a man from all kind of troubles in the Mountain! He can even turn the toughness to pleasure. Walking with him in the Nature is simply tranquility. An untiring mountaineer, keen adventurer and a good fellow!


Ivan Todorov
Ivan Todorov
A professional mountain guide and ski instructor. He has worked primarily with children for years, which further improves its rich spirituality. He is amazingly natural and healthy living person. Keen climber, loves mostly outdoor activities among the nature, surrounded by friends. He is a kindly soul, amazing adventurer and stable partner in the Mountain!


Eduard Blagoev
Eduard Blagoev
A professional mountain guide. In the last few years he gained exclusively useful experience in the Mountains, compared to mountaineers with age twice bigger than his. Incredibly unusual and innovative thinking. He loves the life in Nature, a true connoisseur of the good music and the human relationships. A dreamer to the core! You can completely rely on his comradely attitude in Mountain!


Alexander Sivkov
Alexander Sivkov
A professional mountain guide and ideologist of Alextrek. He was born in flat Dobrudzha in the near 1979. He has graduated with a spec. "Accounting and Auditing" in 2002 and has 10 years experience in this field. After holding a prestigious and highly responsible position in a large international firm for several years, he quit it in order to devote to his other profession and great passion - mountaineering and traveling!
In 2011 he graduated from Vocational Training Center of Mountain Guides Association to "Mountains and People". Professional Qualification Certificate - Series K-13, № 063011 – “Mountain guide “profession, code 812020. He has climbed Vihren peak alone in 1989, and as he loves to say - that forever changed his life! After hundreds of tours and trips in nature, ascent of many Bulgarian and foreign peaks, Vihren remains his favorite one! His great love and respect to the mountain constantly pushes him to it in his free time, in the company of his loved ones. He adores traveling, especially to extremely long and unusual destinations where the wonderful nature is combined with unique local lifestyle and culture! He likes progressive rock music and cinema. His favorite book is "Savage Arena" by Joe Tasker. Traveler, adventurer, explorer and faithful friend!


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We are grateful to Teodora Hadjiyska, Ivaylo Ivanov, Tsvetomira Tsoneva, Anton Kanchev, Ventsislav Tsankov, Evgeni Manchev, Yana Paneva, Ralitsa Grigorova - Ivanova, Wolfgang Brauhle, Todor Ivanov, Kalin Kupenov, Konstantin Konstantinov, Zornitsa Lazarova, Victoria Alexandrova, Georgi Petleshkov, Stoycho Zarev, Avgustin Vasilev, Ivaylo Kirov, Kiril Dobrev, Eduard Blagoev, Radka Yovkova, our parents and all unassigned friends for their faith and support!

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